Called by God. Nurtured in the Spirit. We are dedicated to making a difference in the world by extending the love of Jesus Christ.
Lafayette Community Center Foundation
The Community Center Foundation is dedicated to renovating and expanding the Lafayette Community Center. The Foundation was formed in 1983 to oversee the capital improvements and renovations necessary to transform the old Burton School into an active recreation center designed to accommodate our community’s diverse needs and to provide a beautiful place to learn, create […]
Lafayette Partners in Education
We believe Lafayette school children need to have a well rounded education that reaches far beyond the basics in order to thrive in today’s world. Lafayette Partners in Education teams up with parents, volunteers, school districts and classroom teachers to support high priority school programs threatened by lack of regular funding
Las Trampas School Inc.
Our mission is to support adults with developmental disabilities to discover their capabilities and to lead fuller lives in their home, at work, and in the community.